Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Nik and I got to go out (together!) last weekend, in costume, to a Fasching party hosted by our awesome neighbor Rachel and her entire family. My mother (bless her heart) came over to babysit, and asked us where we were going. "To a party," I said. "It's something called Fasching." "Oh, a Fasching party!" she exclaimed over her knitting. I looked at her funny. "You know about Fasching?" "Sure," she said. "Fasching is when Germans get to do all the things they're too uptight to do the rest of the year."

There weren't too many Germans there, although there were quite a lot of different accents represented. There were also people older than my parents dressed in all manner of things related (however remotely) to the theme "007 - The Age of Bond". I really should have taken more pictures. These are the few I did manage to take:

Pia and David, also neighbors, came as Austin Powers and That Bond Girl. Pia's glam black minidress, complete w/ gold grommets & leather laces up the chest, belongs to David's mother. GO FIGURE.

This is me dressed as the Queen of Hearts (I said the links to 007 could be tenuous, didn't I?), with an awfully cheerful Dr. Evil.

Nik came as a Background Character...

... complete w/ love beads and crushed red velvet pants. Very nice.

Austin, Bond, and the ever-cheerful Dr. Evil...

... joined by the inimitable Octopussy. Complete w/ a cat picture on her bum bearing the word "unacceptable." Uh-huh.

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