Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Why I'm Marching on Sunday - and Why You Should Too

I’m flying to New York this week, to represent the 350 members of my Unitarian church at the Peoples Climate March on Sunday - the largest climate action in history. 

Members of UUCPA at Bass Lake, holding the sign they will be carrying at the Peoples Climate Rally in Oakland, CA.

Flying to a climate march is one of the more ironic things I’ve ever done - but this is why I’m going:
  • Heads of state from 120 countries will be meeting in New York to attend the UN climate summit to prepare for a climate treaty next year. Every media outlet in the world will be reporting on it.
  • We don’t have any time to waste. Science now tells us we have a very short time (a recent report claims we have less than five years) to get our emissions under control. And we need a strong climate treaty to make that happen.
  • Climate change is more than an environmental issue - it’s the mother of all social justice issues. Hundreds of peace, justice, labor, and faith organizations are supporting this march, because climate change affects first and worst those who have benefited the least from the exploitation of fossil fuels. Climate change is a form of genocide against those who are the most vulnerable and the least able to protect themselves: the world's poor, and future generations.
  • Fixing climate change fixes everything else. A strong climate treaty will do more than just slow climate change - it will provide the mechanism to build a much better future, on a very real timeline. It will replace our militarized dependence on foreign oil with clean air, clean water, and stronger, safer, and more resilient communities. 
  • A fossil-free economy is affordable and achievable. And a climate safe world will educate women, reduce our global population, improve our health, and redistribute power - both electrical and political. 
  • Next week could be the turning point, away from despair and towards a brighter future, and I want to be there when it happens.
And I really want you to join me. 

I’m hoping that those of you who live in New York will tell me you’re coming. I’m hoping those of you who live within a few hours of New York will consider coming into the city on Sunday and joining us. 

(Be sure to tell the organizers you’re coming - they need to know how many of us to expect. Think porta-potties.)

And I’m hoping that those of you who are farther away will participate in one of the thousands of actions taking place around the world on Sunday.  (Can’t find one? Marches aren’t your thing? There are a LOT of other ways to get involved too: http://peoplesclimate.org/organizing/.)

We need everyone. Starting this weekend. We need you.

See you in New York -

Big love,


P.S. My 5,500 mile round trip flight will generate 2,200 pounds of CO2. I double-offset the carbon at TerraPass.com for $29.75. 

P.P.S. While in New York, I’m also hoping to connect with other people working on climate action and communications. If you know of someone I should meet while I’m there, please let me know!

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