Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Waiting for the Rain

After getting back to Granada (where Elliot and I took a very long and much-needed soapy shower), we walked around the city in a kind of daze. After ten days here, the charm of the new has worn off, and I feel lonely. The Mexican students have left town and I couldn't find Carrie at her office. We tried to find the hammock factory but couldn't find it. The air was thick and heavy, and massive rainclouds gave the city a twilight gloom at 4pm, but the rain wouldn't come. It was like the whole city was in the same torpor, waiting for a change.

The rain, of course, eventually did come, after we'd returned home: all at once, in a massive downpour, with spectacular lightning and thunder. I was glad to be in Dona Fatimas tile-floored courtyard, and I wondered how Lucrecia and Marcial were managing.

Tomorrow, Nik arrives, and we will make our way to Isla Ometepe. I have heard so many great things about it - but I am withholding judgment. I'm tired of feeling disappointed. It will be nice to see something new, though - and supposedly they are building an airport on Ometepe, so this may be my last chance to experience the peacefulness of the island that everyone raves about.

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