Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 7: Traveler's Slump

Monkey on "Monkey Island"

Feeling a bit sluggish today - the scratchy throat came back, and I'm tired and kinda grouchy. Probably a combination of lots of things: the heat (now that the rain has stopped it's HOT), culture shock, a low grade virus, change in diet, and PMS. Not so much fun.
Yesterday we visited the Isletas with the Canadians and a tour guide named Memo. It was a national holiday (in honor of the Sandinistas gaining political power), so everything was pretty quiet. We did get to see a couple of monkeys, but it felt a bit weird and contrived (there were only four monkeys, and they wouldn't come eat the bananas Memo had brought for them).

I'm also not liking Casa Xalteva as much as the school I attended in Guatemala - it's more down at the heel, less professional. I'm curious to know what other options we might have here. I do like that the school benefits local children, I just wish it was a little... nicer.

I guess I'm having a hard time. We visited a lovely pool downtown and I'm hoping a trip back there will improve my mood. There are beautiful things here but many of the nicest are geared towards tourists, which feels weird to me. I haven't found a way yet to reconcile the two worlds that seem to exist here side by side, and I haven't figured out yet where I might fit in.

Hotel Spa Granada

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